Sunday, November 8, 2009


There are several ways I would like to use Flickr immediately for my music classroom lessons. For the Kindergarten and First and Second grade students I would like to select images that will illustrate the words to the assorted holiday songs that we are currently using. I will find pictures that represent celebrations in other countries as well to introduce the younger students to the ways different people around the world celebrate special days.

For the 3rd through 5th grade students I would like to take them on some virtual field trips and possibly some time travel as we study various time periods in music history and give them a sample of what living conditions were like and the kinds of barriers composers of that time were faced with as we use listening examples.

I have also started researching the creative commons areas in Flickr to find photos and clip art that would be applicable to the suggested plans above.

In January as we begin to study folk songs, folk tales, and tall tales, I think Flickr will also be a great tool to create some slideshows of various characters, time periods, and elements that would give the students an opportunity to glimpse a bit of history. If time allows, the students could do research individually or collectively in small groups or teams and put some projects together to tie in with these units of study. I think it would be fun to introduce the tools to them that they can use on their “palette” and then give them the blank canvas to create. The possibilities are endless!!

After researching media literacy, I feel a responsibility to do whatever I can to broaden my students understanding of the
necessary skills they need to use technology effectively.

One of the web resources that I researched included a blog for elementary music and technology. The link is:

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