Sunday, November 15, 2009

BP13_20091115_Peer response 3

A web burglar introduces you to a new Web 2.0 website.
Posted by HardyReeves at 7:26 AM
Labels: web 2.0 classroom education

ETC - Orr_Toni_Blog said...
Hardy, Great video and sounds like a great site. Will have to check it out. Tried to post from the link you set and it would not let me. I can post only if I go on Blogger through Safari not Firefox. Any clue?
November 15, 2009 2:31 PM
McKinley_Megan said...
Hardy, this video is awesome! Someday you will have to teach me how to do all of this really cool things that you do with iMovie. This site sounded awesome and your delivery of it was awesome. My only suggestions were that it was hard to catch the name of the site because you were whispering and your mouth was cut off for a lot of the video. Other than that I loved it!!!! Such an inventive way to get people excited about your web 2.0 tool. I am definitely going to check out this site and I love that it also has links to other great sites, like rubistar, which is already a favorite of mine. Good job!
November 15, 2009 4:00 PM
Sergeant Sixpack said...
hey, hardy...i like the ski mask...or...motion-capture suit...or whatever that was. funny approach. i'll check out the link. by the way, i used your blog posts as an example to fix mine. they were all jimmy-jacked. hope all's well. PEACE!!
November 15, 2009 6:40 PM
kc88keyz said...
I LOVE the video!! Very creative and I am anxious to check out this new site that you are talking about :D
Thanks for catching my attention!
November 15, 2009 9:43 PM

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