Sunday, November 22, 2009

BP08a_20091108_Web 2.0 Tool #2

Quizlet is a tool that can be used to create flashcards that can be used for group study and review, to introduce new material through games of matching that are timed. There is a learning mode that will keep track of scores and a test mode that allows for different question and answer formats. I see a lot of valuable uses for this tool for the six different grade levels of music classes as well as my before and after school groups. I am in the process of creating my own sets to try out for next week’s lessons using some basic music fundamentals, and also some questions related to the recorder and piano. I will update this blog and let you know how it comes out. Stop by and check out all of the sets that are already available.

Adding the element of film to my instruction will be a positive for my students of all ages. This is something new and presenting the information to them in a way that really connects to what they are used to doing, not only at home, but in their own respective classrooms. I love sharing new things that I am learning with them because it really draws them in and builds a rapport that was not there before. They are excited to see the different ways that we are going to be using technology.

I am hoping to create some games to add another level of fun. I know it seems like I say that a lot, but that is one of my main goals – I want my students to enjoy learning and the more ideas I can come up with to present the content we are focusing on to try and reach everyone involved, the more exciting it becomes. I will update this blog and let you know how it comes out.
Stop by and check out all of the sets that are already available.

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