Sunday, November 22, 2009

BP08b_20091108_Web Tool #3 provides a tool for creating and sharing animations and I thought my students might enjoy seeing them in various media assets as well as having the chance to create their own and share with others, maybe to add to a song they have created or a sound story. Being in a fine arts magnet school, we enjoy the artwork of our students among their many other talents and I think this would be another way of them being able to express themselves and still use it with a musical connection.

We will be doing some work with nursery rhymes, tall tales, and folk tales and folk songs in the New Year and I could see ways to pull this tool into that aspect of the lesson plans. I also am preparing lyric pages for the students to see and I think it would be fun to add some of these created characters to that.

My biggest challenge as far as providing opportunities for the students to create is that I only have one teacher station and it is connected to my Yamaha keyboard lab. I have a projector and laptop on a cart and also an interactive pad so I think we will try working with that and see how it comes out. While we do have a dedicated computer lab in our school, that instructor works off the same student splits and schedules that we do, so when I would have a class that I might want to take into the lab to use the student stations, she would ALSO have a class.

There are a lot of possibilities and I will post how things have turned out. At the moment we are preparing for Christmas shows and we also do parent share shows in January that need to be ready before the students go home for Christmas break so it will be January before I can really put some of these tools into real motion. Just realizing how enriched my tool box is becoming as a result of this class is a joy!! :D

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