Sunday, November 8, 2009

BP07_20091108_Researching Web 2.0 Tools #1

There are so many Web 2.0 tools to choose from that it makes it really difficult to narrow the search.There are three that I have had the chance to play around with and would like to work them into using in my music classroom.

Voki is a program created by Oddcast that gives you a chance to create your own speaking avatar that can be added to profiles and other web environments. The avatar can be personalized using drag and drop interfaces. You can record your own voice by using the phone, a mic, or by using text to speech or text to sing. There are also built-in voice choices and effects. You have your choice of characters including people, animals, and even vehicles, along with different themes and accessories. I wanted an avatar to represent me to use in preparing media presentations to be used in my classroom as well as on my web page and this tool shows a lot of promise. I am going to create a music room mascot or maybe several for different grade levels just to add another layer of fun.

The first selection I made was the type of character that I wanted to use. Then I was able to select hair, eye, and skin color, and accessories like the glasses and makeup. Next I selected the background and since it was close to Veterans Day and I am using my character as a teacher, I selected the American Flag backdrop. I listened to the different voice selections that were available and then I chose the text to speech feature to enter the introductory sentence that I wanted my avatar “Mrs. Coleman” to say. There was a limit to how long of a sentence you could use with that feature. I plan to try using the mic to record for the next avatar that I create.

I was excited to receive positive comments from other classmates and have even observed a few on their sites. This was just plain fun and EASY!! :D A big thumbs up!! Pay a visit to and enjoy! You’ll be glad you did!

Pay a visit to and enjoy!


  1. I loved the voki sight. I did check it out and want to try to create a recording of my voice with it. Anxious to see it I can get on it at school since so much is blocked. I can see downloading it to my iTouch if I can't get on at school and bringing my avatar into a lesson or Movie Maker movie to present to my students. What Rena was saying that you needed to create a link from your post to the voki site so you do not have to type in the url. You click on the word "link" on the header of where you post your blog to create the link. Hope this helps.

  2. Hey Kathy,
    This was so funny because I was browsing in the Web 2.0 Page: and thought I found such a unique tool. I then clicked on your blog to post a comment and voila! You found the same tool. It was awesome and I loved downloading my voice to create my own personal avatar. We use avatars in our tech class often and this is just another tool to add to the toolbox! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Hello Kathy,
    I really like the the Quizlet site because it allows the students to create flash cards to drill and practice answering questions. It also has various levels of quizzes that makes it possible to create flash cards on the students ability level. I also like the fact that it can be used during and after school.

    Jim Snead

  4. I had not heard of the tool, Kathy. Thank you very much! My students have a lot of problems learning vocabulary. I am hoping that another vocabulary learning tool will help. Sometimes just doing something a little differently makes all the difference, especially with teens. They get bored so quickly with the same thing. I want to experiment much more with I read the other comments and it sounds like a cool tool. I am going to have to think about how I would use it; maybe like you suggested, as a class mascot!?! I am going to think on its potential use for my classroom over the mext couple of days. Thanks, Kathy. Hope all is well with you.
